Using Healthy Data to Improve Student Success

How to Improve Student Success with Data

Using Healthy Data to Improve Student Success

There’s a lot more to student success than getting good grades. Apart from high-quality learning, it also includes strong retention, performance monitoring, graduation rates, and alumni engagement, etc. With the education industry rapidly evolving, college leaders and departments are prioritizing student lifecycle management by employing the latest tools and technology to get actionable, healthy data.

In the digital age, you can no longer afford to be ill-equipped in technology, especially when other institutions are seizing every opportunity to improve their IT infrastructure and make data-driven decisions. Therefore, you need a solution to not only capture healthy data but also make it accessible throughout your campus.

How to Improve Student Success with Healthy Data

Fortunately, improving student success doesn’t necessarily call for a hefty investment or infrastructure overhaul. All you need is a solution that can help you authenticate data and centralize its access through the streamlined data flow. Traditionally, colleges were using iPaaS platforms like Jitterbit and Zapier, but due to messy APIs and difficult integration steps, they’re looking for simpler solutions that require minimum IT intervention.

With ASMA Connect’s integration relationship management platform, you can manage multiple integrations effortlessly while capturing healthy data, which you can use to improve student success in the following ways:

1. Better Data Aggregation

The concept of student data collection is not just to improve student success and their learning experience, but also to simplify on-campus management. Colleges have access to silos of data. The only problem is that most institutions don’t have the means to aggregate that raw, unstructured data across departments to extract actionable information. Unlike raw data, healthy data is an end product that has been cleaned and deduplicated for authenticity, meaning departments can easily gain valuable insight from it effortlessly. All they have to do is revamp their IT infrastructure with an integration relationship management platform so they can automate the extraction and authentication process.

2. Using Healthy Data Insight to Develop Solutions

The student success improvements you can make are only limited to your goals. For example, you could use healthy data to change your curriculum, update your marketing and enrollment campaigns, or address individual student weaknesses to improve graduation rates. Once you’ve set your goals, you can use healthy data to create some exciting and innovative solutions. For example, you can extract demographic information to distinguish students living in big cities, small towns, or suburbs and develop different marketing strategies to attract them.

Bottom Line

Data-driven decision-making has now become an essential part of student success in the digital era. More importantly, we’ve only scratched the surface of what we can achieve with healthy data. If you’re ready to find out what you can do with the plethora of information at your disposal, we recommend opting for ASMA Connect’s integration relationship management platform. It ensures that every department in your facility has centralized access to clean, authentic, and deduplicated data at all times. Feel free to get in touch with our team right away for more information!

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