Holiday Season: The Perfect Storm for Application Fraud

Holiday Season: The Perfect Storm for Application Fraud

As the holiday season approaches, there’s a lot to look forward to: festive decorations, quality time with loved ones, and of course, the joy of giving and receiving. However, it’s not just the season of joy and celebration; it’s also the season when application fraud in colleges and universities tends to spike. While most of us are taking a well-deserved break, fraudsters are hard at work exploiting the holiday hiatus. In this blog post, we’ll explore why the holiday season is the perfect storm for application fraud and how S.A.F.E. (Student Application Fraudulent Examination) can help colleges and universities stay secure.

The Holiday Fraud Influx

The holiday season brings with it a unique set of challenges for educational institutions. Here’s why:

  1. Reduced Staff Availability: With faculty, administrators, and support staff taking time off to celebrate the holidays, the number of people available to oversee the application process is significantly reduced. This staffing gap creates an opportunity for fraudsters to submit fake applications.
  2. Increased Online Activity: The holidays are a time when students are actively searching for academic opportunities. This uptick in online activity provides fraudsters with more opportunities to engage with potential victims and submit fraudulent applications.
  3. Distractions and Multitasking: During the holidays, staff may be distracted by personal commitments and multitasking, which can make them more vulnerable to falling for phishing scams or overlooking suspicious applications.
  4. Delay in Response: As a result of reduced staff availability, there may be delays in detecting and responding to fraudulent activity, giving fraudsters more time to manipulate the system.
  5. Ghost Students: Holiday breaks are when the phenomenon of “ghost students” is most likely to occur. These are individuals who apply for admission with no intention of attending classes but aim to gain access to college resources or financial aid.

How S.A.F.E. Provides a Solution

In the midst of these challenges, S.A.F.E. emerges as a solution that ensures colleges and universities don’t fall victim to the holiday fraud influx.

  1. 24/7 Monitoring: S.A.F.E. provides round-the-clock monitoring, even during the holidays when staff availability is limited. It continuously analyzes applications and identifies potentially fraudulent ones, minimizing the chances of fake applications slipping through the cracks.
  2. Automated Data Verification: S.A.F.E.’s automated data verification process cross-references application information with various data points, such as previous addresses, phone numbers, and more. This meticulous verification ensures that only legitimate students are admitted.
  3. Machine Learning: S.A.F.E. employs machine learning algorithms that evolve over time. These algorithms adapt to new fraud patterns, even during the holiday season, offering proactive protection.
  4. Immediate Flagging: Suspicious applications are instantly flagged by S.A.F.E., and alerts are sent to administrators, even when staff is away. This immediate response ensures that potential fraud is addressed promptly.
  5. Resource Allocation: By preventing ghost students from infiltrating the system, S.A.F.E. helps colleges allocate resources efficiently, ensuring that funds and facilities are reserved for genuine students.


As the holiday season approaches, it’s essential for colleges and universities to be on guard against application fraud. The reduced staff availability and increased online activity create the perfect conditions for fraudsters to exploit. However, with the implementation of S.A.F.E., institutions can rest easy knowing that their application process is under 24/7 monitoring, automated data verification, and the watchful eye of advanced machine learning algorithms. S.A.F.E. not only safeguards against fraud but also ensures the efficient allocation of resources, making it the ideal solution to secure the holiday season and beyond. In a time when we should be celebrating and coming together, S.A.F.E. allows educational institutions to do just that, without the worry of falling victim to fraud.

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